Monday, February 17, 2014

Bye! there is more.

Good bye fellow people. I am ending this blog.......and starting a new one!
It is called Ocala Artist.
At least I hope it is not taken.
Bye bye Fit kitty!
-Alexandra Clarke

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bye bye!

As you can see from the title, I am leaving. But not for good! Only until Sunday. I am leaving to a place with roller coaster fun, and walking times. I can't really tell you, but you will find out when I get back from the names of the coasters. No fact or Gif today. I am just saying goodbye my salty french fries......
Okay. I am going to be having long hours at the park, so there really is no way to blog when I am tired. But I'm SOOO excited!
Also, we are not bringing a laptop, just the kindle fire which DESPISES me with every word I type in.
So, no blogging.
Also, when I get back, you guys will be seeing a whole new and improved blog of Fit Kitty. I will be posting very dramatic and cute pictures, recipes, and more stories then ever before. I will write for the sense of doing it. Not just to tell you what I did in Animal Crossing.
I will also post pictures or drawings of my cute comics. I am TRYING to learn how to draw anime and stuff. Especially Pikachu.
I feel like I need to start making this blog a place to chat, and to look at sweet, awesome things that make you wanna party.
Anyhoo, that is what YOU guys will be seeing when I get back.
But for now, goodbye sweet, sweet donuts. I will see you when I get back.
FACT: I am going to be super sad..................

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What goes around comes around again.......again.......again........and again!

What up peeps! I am currently in for a full blast headache! I get one when I am staring at the computer screen. My school work is kinda backfiring on me. My teachers are like, "Alexandra Clarke doesn't need us NOW does she? She does? I don't care."
I'm sure it's not EXACTLY like that.
Do you guys ever have a random stomachache that makes you feel like you wanna vomit? I have that right now. It feels absolutely TERRIBLE. It goes around, then comes back again and again!
Oh! I have some excellent news. I was playing Animal Crossing, and I went to Able Sisters, right? And I always stop bye to buy hats and stuff. And to talk to Sable. Guess what caught my eye? PILOT SHADES!!!! I was all like: "Irish Jig! Dance! WOOHOO!!!!"
So, I asked Mable how much it was, and she said: "Oh! 2,400 bells!"
.........Aw heck no...........
Well! I already had 1,435 bells. So I just fished and sold some shells to Tom Nook. He was like: "Why don't you stay and buy some of my stuff?"
No Tom Nook. Just NO.
Now, I had 4,000 bells. I ran back to Able Sisters and bought pilot shades, and a Comfy Sweater! I had 1,345 or something left. Now, I am ROCKING those shades.
"They see me rolling, they hatin'....'
Aw that's  right! *Breaks down into Hip Hop dance*
Speaking of Hip Hop, I watched the episode before the Nationals episode in Dance Moms. It was very intense for Paige and Brooke. Poor Paige forgot her solo because she was so nervous. At least she looked beautiful from what she completed. I look back to the episode in season 1 when she was 10! Now she is around 13. *Tears up* They grow up so fast! Especially Brooke. 16 years old already! Wowzaas!
Anyway. I slept like a log covered in dirt. Does that makes sense? I won't say I slept like a baby because babies wake up during the night screaming and crying. So, no I did not sleep like that.
I hope Cathy from Candy Apples Dance Center goes down 69 feet into the ground! Bye bye, sweet nothing!
It was like one of the episodes from season 3. "We are gonna beat you down!" Says Cathy.
"The winner is....Abby Lee Dance Company!"
Cathy: *silence*
TAKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWA HA HA HA!!!! *Coughs*
Do you get that really squeaky voice when you see your pets? I do. As soon as I step through the door, my cats and Addie are like: "HIII!!! FEED ME!"
And I'm all like: "AWWW!!!!!!" In a really high voice.
*Cats and Addie's ears flatten*
Well, goodbye and good riddance! I am so just kidding. Here is a fact and 2 GIFs cause I am the master of awesomeness. *Walks away from huge explosion*
(With Pilot shades on)
FACT:You need to step on the pedal of a car pass 70 miles per hour to outrun the fastest tornadoes.
(I got this fact from

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I got that summer time sadness.........

Do you guys know what I mean? It is FREAKING 90 degrees where I am! It is super duper hot. It feels like summertime. Well, I have to deal with it. My wardrobe contains of shirts,tank tops,and shorts.
Dance Moms is getting really intense. It's kinda funny how mad they get when they are discussing about their children. And, ya know, some F-bombs and S-bombs and the 'B' word.
I'd have to say my favorite mom is Christi. No, not Kristi, CHRISTI.
She is really funny, and she has one heck of a mouth on her. Chloe, I think is my favorite.
Anyway, I am really tired. I am sleepy, and I have a headache. From what you may ask? A few dark clouds hanging over us....and MATH!!! I need to go play some Animal Crossing.
It calms me down for some odd reason.
As you many of you know, The Walking Dead appeared last night after the long month waiting from the Mid Season finale. You wanna here something funny? I didn't see the mid season finale 'cause.......first my dad, then my brother, and then my OTHER brother told what happened. So, I didn't feel like watching because I already knew what happened. Not fun at all.
The only shows I watch are:
1. Community
2. Dance moms
3. SOMETIMES the Walking Dead.
I watch more Youtube videos then T.V
I was really radiant this morning, you wanna know why?
1. WatchUsLiveAndStuff updated!
2. I was in my big Leather Chair!!!
3. My cat, Trigger, snuggled in my lap and watched with me.
Yes! It was a very successful morning. My hair decided to play nice today.
I mean, I have naturally wavy or straight brownish blonde hair, and it likes to curl up a lot. Let's just say that I braid my hair every night. And during the day, it is a pony tail.
Well, I gotta run away and get sucked up by a Tornado. (My worst nightmare)
Bye! I will leave you a couple GIFs and a fact. Bye! Love ya!!!
  • The most powerful Tornadoes occur in the United States.
  • A typical tornado only lasts for a few minutes.

Monday, February 10, 2014

100 PAGE VIEWS!!!!!! Is that a big deal?

I don't know about YOU guys, but I am so excited for this week! I am going to a nice, awesome, FUN FILLED place you will never know about. HE HE EH EH EH.
Why did that turn into a Rhianna song?
"Under my Umbrella-ella-ella eh eh eh.."
Anyway, so, I am getting some stuff wrapped up and I am NOT looking at cute kitties.....I am not. *Giggles Nervously*
So, I know yesterday was a really boring blog. I was tired, and I just wanted to eat Orange sherbert and watch funny kitty vines. And guess what? That Orange sherbert turned out to be sweetened with SPLENDA!! No! I just wanted to eat something that does not cause cancer!
So, Saturday was a pretty fun day! Did I tell you what I did? Let me check......
No! I didn't. So, after getting sour candy and a new brush....I basically helped my mom do some stuff around the house like laundry and cleaning out her closet. I got a really cool pink jacket from her closet. I don't know why I am so in lurve with it. Because it's soft?
I also cleaned out my closet and made a bag of some TIGHT clothes! I looked like a............monkey?
I have to tell you something that will knock your butt off. So, my cat Trigger has a problem. (Its not life threatening.)
He sucks on earlobes and fingers because he thinks milk is gonna spurt out. (like a nipple:)
My dad wants us to stop letting him do it, so we stop right?
He got really made. When he tried to suck on my finger a few days ago, I didn't let him. And then guess what? He starts to lick my comforter. Really Trigger? Well, he was taken away from his mom when he and his brother were a 2 weeks old. They are black and white. I NEED to get a picture of them and Addie up here now!
As you can see, the title is going to explain it all. I got 100 PAGE VIEWS! *Booty bumps computer*
I am so ecstatic, it is hard to complete this dance!
But then I this really important? Maybe. To me it is. It means people are looking at my blog!!!!!!! If they commented (Hint Hint Hint....) *Wiggles eyebrows and twirls mustache maniacally*
I got that from my brother. So, thanks! I give you guys each an imaginary kitty! (Or doggy)
Well, the rest of today is going to be working, running outside, going home, doing the treadmill, taking a shower, and watching Dance Moms! (And eating and sleeping. And WatchUsLiveAndStuff watching.)
Well, I don't know what else to write about.........meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow......................................That is what my cats would do.
So, I guess that is it! I'm gonna give you guys a GIF and a fact.
OH! Also, I watched, like, 5 episodes of Dance Moms. The last episode I watched was called: "Gone Abby Gone."
That episode blew my mind. Really. Mind blown. *Brain explodes into pink juice*
Abby was not accepting Kelly back in her studio the episode before, and the episode after, she left Gianna to do all the dirty work. She was being kinda mean. But, so was Leslie. I wish Payton was there, but not Leslie. :)
Ok! I will give you the fact and the GIF. Bye bye birdy birdy bird big ball banger?
FACT: There are over 23,000 different kinds of trees in the world.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

YOGA was hard! Really painful.

Hi elephant stormers! I am currently super sore and tired from my yoga. Yoga was really hard. Instead of the real yoga instructor, there was a substitute. She did different moves than the other teacher, including one called the downward dog. It hurt. I am flexible, but not that flexible. So, after that my mom and I swam, and had Subway. Let me tell you something. Never EVER use a combination lock for your locker. I was on it for 15 minutes.
I am not gonna write that much because NOTHING happened! I am so sure that tomorrow is going to be very eventful. I'm just really tired. So, here is a fact and a GIF and.......2 more gifs cause I am awesome. BYEEE!!!!! *Flies away*
FACT: If someone calls you a chicken, don't be offended. It means you are powerful and protective.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday fitness sadness;(

Hello fellow kittens! And today, NOTHING went on. NOTHING. My parents were out the whole day thrift shopping. Ya know, poppin' some tags! (Bad reference from the song 'Thrift Shop')
I am so sorry Macklemore.
Anywayzas, I did the dishes, watched Dance Moms, I drew and I wrote.....and that is about it. My dad got me sour candy! I am in lurvvee with it. It tastes like HEAVEN!
I read also! This book about animals. It is super cute though. With the pictures and stuff.
Tomorrow, my mom and I are going to do some YOGA, and then some swimming! It can probably make up for today because......let's face it. I did nothing that had to do with fitness. I was a fat, lazy slob:)
Why did I put a smiley face on the end of slob? That proves of how much of a person I am. I kinda lack in the perfectionist department. *Smiley face*
I did brush my teeth, wash my face, brushed my hair, and got dressed for your information! Does knee leggings, fuzzy socks, and a long sleeved shirt count? I did put on some deodorant.
I am so sad. *Wipes away stray tear* My favorite, absolute FAVORITE candle died today. It's flavor was.........*Gasps*...........Strawberry cheesecake.
WAH! It smelled so good! I was on my own little island with that smell.
Do any of you guys read fanfiction? I used to. Like, I was addicted to it for a while. I read Maximum Ride and...............maximum ride......and more maximum ride. Yeah. I even made a profile called........wait, you guys do not care. I'm not gonna tell you.....*Smug smile*
I did write some songfics for Maximum Ride.
Then, I read a really gross story, then I killed my profile. UGH! It was pretty weird.
Oh! Did I tell you guys about my Peter Rabbit stuffed animal collection?
*Hears cricket noises*
I guess not. So, I made a little cubby for my collection. I have Peter Rabbit, a frog, mouse, rabbit, rabbit, and a rabbit! I also have some books and little ceramics of Peter Rabbit. It's cool. And yes, part of my bed is filled with stuffed animals. (Like Stitch for example)
Stitch is my favorite Disney character. I have a poster of the first movie cover in my room.
It's my favorite movie.............aside from Valentines Day.
Random shout out to Kalel!!! (WatchUsLiveAndStuff)
And Frilly+Fancy
If you are reading this Kalel, I absolutely look up to you:)
Anyway.....I guess that is it. I will update tomorrow! Talk to you later. *Holds up cats* BYE!!!
FACT: Did you know that a mosquito bite is not the bug BITING you, it is the SALIVA left over.
P.S Yes, I know this is out of date. PIKA PIKA!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Night Fun!!!!

Hello all you blog readers! I am back, with some no good news. (Which means NO news at all!)
Anyway, it is Friday! *Does Irish Jig* I LOVE Friday. And probably every single human who has off during the weekend!
So, I have the funniest thing to tell you guys! This morning at like, 2:30 AM, I was in the most comfiest position in my life! I was snuggling into my covers, loving the slight breeze of my fan when my cat, Hatch, jumps up and sits right next to me. I feel this little paw tug at my blankets. Then at my back! OUCHHHHHHHH! I jump up and glare at my cat. Then, guess what he did? HE JUMPED OFF MY BED AND RAN AWAY!
Oh my goodness. I was so mad. SO SO mad.
So, a week from now, I will be in a secret place! *Smiles Smugly and giggles*
YOU WILL NEVER KNOW until Thursday.
So, nothing really exciting. After this, I'm gonna go watch some Dance Moms on my mom and dad's's cozy:)
It is seriously HUGE! I feel like a little ball of lint. I'm kinda short, so I feel like that all the time. I mean, what girl or woman isn't short?
So, I told Hatch how I felt about him. He dashed out of the room as soon as I told him;(
And if anyone wants to be my Valentine, comment in dat wittle box dingy I have not used:)
Too much smiley and crying faces!
That is SO much better. AND it is big!
So, I am just kidding about the comment thing. (But if you do it, SHOUT OUT to you!)
Well, I am gonna make a fact appear right here, and a GIF. BYEEEEEE!!!!!
 The first American chess tournament was held in New York in 1843.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Math SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely positively HATE HATE HATE math. It stinks to no other living level. NO OTHER. I had to take a HUGE test, and it took me 2 hours to complete it. WITH help!! Unbelievable. My math teacher is probably rubbing her hands together devilishly going "I will kill her! KEEL HER!!"
Stupid math teacher. Well, I woke up at 6:00 this morning (like I always do), and I ate a bagel:)
What? Ya wanna know what goes on, here it is! I awoke at 6:00 this morning. I went to the b/r and urined. I then toasted a bagel, slathered with peanut butter, and brought to my room. Then, I watched WatchUsLiveAndStuff on my Ipod.........:)
Yep. It was a very good morning indeed. Without my cats clawing and howling at my door. But, they do that every morning.
ANYWAY! I am 8 days away from my vacation! I am SO excited! I cannot tell you until the day before! (Thursday, February 13.) Basically, a week from now. You are just gonna have to wait! *Smiles creepily and eats spider*
EWW! I cannot believe I just did that. I am so scared of spiders, and I HATE them.
Speaking of any living kind, I am in LOVE with Animal Crossing. No, I am not talking about the NEWEST one. On the 3Ds. NOOOO. I am talking about the regular DS. Wild World.
It is, like, AWESOME!!!!
OOHH! Also, I was watching an episode of Dance Moms last night. The one where they do the group dance called: 'Living with the Ribbon'?
Wasn't weird that Chloe and Maddie did the same exact routine? And they both performed it? I was SOOOOO happy that Chloe won! But then, this guy comes in saying they made a mistake, and that MADDIE actually won.
WHA????!!!! NO! Maddie always wins! Sometimes, I think she is a brat when she does not win. And poor Chloe was trying not to cry! ;(
Then, you found out that ABBY was the one who brought the whole CHLOE winning thing to the Judge's attention. I HATE YOU ABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here is a fact and a GIF. Talk to you guys Tomorrow! PEACE!!!
 THE FACT:The American Cancer Society projects the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected each year in order to estimate the contemporary cancer burden, because cancer incidence and mortality data lag three to four years behind the current year. In addition, the regularly updated Facts & Figures publications present the most current trends in cancer occurrence and survival, as well as information on symptoms, prevention, early detection, and treatment.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hi peepers!
That sounds like you are looking through my window.
*Looks out window*
Phew! No stalker!
Well, I will bring you a fact, and a gif.
Oh btw, NOTHING EXCITING happened today.
Well, I have been thinking about SOMETHING.
I know you probably don't give two pieces of green poo right now but, I need to tell you.
My precious Australian Cattle Dog Addie is 13 years old.
She has bad cataracts with her eyes.
And my dad says she is getting old.
But I have had her since she was a puppy! I cannot imagine living without her.
Whenever I think about it, a lump in my throat appears.
Now, I am asking you peeps for advice. Have you owned an old dog with cataracts? Could you tell me some stuff? THANKS!
She also has arthritis...
My poor boo bear :(
New evidence suggests that the polar bear, Ursus maritimus, or the sea bear, started to evolve about five million years ago from brown bear ancestors. Unlike their land-based cousins, polar bears are superbly adapted for survival in the Far North on a sea ice habitat.
There ya have it. Well, BYE MY BIRDS!
 This is what my baby looks like.....Meh!

Ice cream dream.

Have you guys ever been so hungry for ice cream, that you drooled?
I DO ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry. I am just SO hungry for that yummy delicious creamy delight. ANY flavor. But, I am kind of craving birthday cake. Ice cream.
That flavor is the BEST ever. Well, during Christmas, I had a Santa Special one. It was a coffee flavored ice cream! OH MY GOD! I think coffee is my favorite. Even though real coffee gives me a HUGE stomachache. Like, I feel so bloated after I drink some. Then, let me just say I have to take the browns to the super bowl:)
Let us discuss toppings. My ice cream dream would be:
Coffee, Chocolate chip cookie dough, and strawberry.
Toppings: Marshmallows, Gummy Bears, Chocolate Chips, Oreo crumbles,  M&Ms, Pieces of Kit Kat, and Sno Caps.
Hot Fudge!!!!!
Strawberry Sauce!!!!
Peanut butter!!!!!
Caramel Sauce!!!!
Whip Cream!!!!!!!!!
Drum roll please...............................
A CHERRY on top!
I mean, I love cold stuff. Cold pizza is one!
Do you think they have made Cotton Candy Ice cream? What about Churro? YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would probably be as big as a school bus after eating that.
So, I know Season 4 of Dance Moms is on TV, but I am on Season 3.
I watched Episode 20, The Mother's Day special.
I was so happy to see Abby Lee Miller talk truth and things to her mom! It was SO sweet.
I hope her Mom does not die anytime soon. Since, Ya know, Broadway Baby died!
I was so unhappy to see that sweet, poor doggy no where on the screen.
I don't know who my favorite dancer is........
Either Chloe or Brook...........
I think Maddie is SPECTACULAR, but she ALWAYS wins. Poor Chloe is always in 2nd place;(
Well, I'm gonna go back to work. Talk to you guys later.  BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Leave some comments what you think of your ice cream dream)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fact and Gif. Just that.

Hey guys! I did not want to leave ya guys hanging.
Can you feel the pulse in your wrist? For humans the normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute. Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000!


Hey peeps. Let me tell you, I am super duper tired. I had to wake early this morning at 5:30! AM! Oh my lord, I was practically a walking zombie. My mom screamed. Maybe not! 
Well, I am waiting for my teacher to call back. And that means, yes, I am home schooled. It is SO much easier than being in public school. I have a more flexible schedule. Well, it is ALMOST valentines day, and I am 'leaving' on that day to go somewhere special.......I am not telling you yet!
(Evil laugh. Chokes.) 
It is NOT Disney though. So check that off your list.
Alex, who would be making a list about a super awesome place you are going to in 2 seconds?
Me of course!
So, we do not need to get anything for our trip but, maybe some Gas? For the truck? Maybe. I have 0 clue. 
So, do you guys have a valentine? I know I don't. But, being alone is a statement to say that I do not need a shoulder to lean on. Somebody to rely on. Except my family.
Well, I think my kitty, Hatch, should be my valentine. As soon as I find a good pic of him, I will post it. 
I am just writing right now. I will do the GIF and the fact later. 
So, you guys now know it 2014, right? (No duh.) New year, new you? Well, I don't know about that for me. Sure, I make resolutions EVERY year, but I never seem to accomplish them. Sad, right? Maybe. So, I only had ONE resolution this year. I need to stop being shy. Speak up and out to the world. Greet people with open arms. I am SUPER shy, so that is why I am so happy to be home schooled. But. That does not mean I can avoid people at all times. I NEED to be way more social. I mean, this blog kinda helps me speak in one way. To people who might just wanna know what is going on in someone's life. Like mine. 
Now that I think about it, I need to start respecting my body. We all have different shapes. I'm already skinny as it is, but I hate my round shoulders. They make wearing shirts and stuff look like deer barf. Not literally. It really hurts to look into the mirror and see something you HATE. It makes me feel really mad. Tears prick into my eyes when I TRY to wear something cool.
I have been doing that less lately, thank goodness. I am only as young as the minute is. 
Well, I know that probably was a little personal but, it does not matter. 
I also need to stop yelling when I am angry. When one of my brothers say something totally NOT true, it makes me angry. Because they think I am not telling the truth when I am! I try to tell them, but they push me away. Then I slam down my fists on something and yell. And now that I think more about it, It DOES NOT MAKE THINGS BETTER. Nope. Not at all.
That is why I try to write in my blog that my life is perfect. When in reality, it is not. I need to embrace the fact that this is my life. I need to start pushing through the hard times and make them better. I need to throw away being miserable. 
I cannot help being mad and weird and stupid. I have different feelings, and different points of views on everything. I have to focus on what a good thing is. Not the bad things. 
A human heart is like the ocean. Deep and mysterious, and sometimes scary. Horrifying. I want more happiness in my life. And it kinda has something to do with where my family and I live. It is a bad place, and we are hopefully gonna move away. Soon. 
And when that happens, I will be way more happy. WAY more.
Take this writing as advice from me to you. Embrace it. Dream it. Live it. Cherish it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

$&#! updateeeee

Hi everybody! I am currently writing on a kindle, and it is VERY hard because everything is so small! I am just here to talk, btw. Think of this as a little special blog thingy. My kitty is currently being a sweetie pie of all kittens! So today, I had a MAJOR bloody nose. And when I get those, it bleeds like a waterfall. Gross, I know. Just wanted to give you some TIM. WELL, BYE!!!!!

I hate Mondays? Do I?

You know when Garfield says: "I hate Mondays." Do I hate Mondays? Today was pretty good. I had a yummy cupcake! But other than that, it was cool. Some Mondays just don't go good for me. I am serious!!!!!!
 Hello marshamoos! I'm pretty sure I just made up a word! Put that in the dictionary instead of TWERK. If you don't know what that is, look up "Miley Cyrus 'We Can't Stop." 
My eyes will never glow again! 
Anywhoodles, I am pretty sure you guys know about Taylor Swift, right? The all time favorite super star? (Inner me screams 'I Love You Taylor!') 
Well, let me just say it was NOT a pretty sight. Go see the video, and cheer on for that girl for keeping strong! 
 Does anyone else LOVE Full House? I used to watch it every morning. I watched the whole show 3 times. In a row! Danny, Jesse, and Joey did a skit with Jimmy Fallon, and it was so funny. They all belt it out, and very well they made music. 
 Ice cream time?
  Chickens are real sleeping beauties—they experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which means they dream just like we do.
 Really! Read more at that AWESOME site.
Awesomeness guaranteed.
Now, this GIF is totally me. 
I'm gonna add in another one, 'cause I NEED IT! Bye guys! Don't do drugs! Eat cake!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Sunday Stuff! :)

Hi fellow kitties! It is Superbowl Sunday! Nothing really important to me but, A WHOLE LOT to my dad. And his dad. And probably everyone else on the face of this planet! Exaggerating! Anyway, so I went to yoga today with my mom, and it was.....relaxing? Yes! Very! They turned the lights out and played relaxing music. It lasted for one whole hour. ONE! After that, I swam in the heated pool. Ya know, some intense laps. Speaking of laps, my cute kittens were out and running random laps to random rooms in the house. Talk about Fit Kitty! My dog was just chilling, cause she is kidding old. Not too old. She is still my best friend ever. She does not talk back to me. 
 Any noddles, I am eating a dinner of chicken tacos and beans and rice. Talk about fancy! Since nothing really went on today, I will write a story off the top of this awesome brain!
 Once upon a time, there was a young man named Mellow Yellow. He roamed the meadow, wishing for a nice, old cat to come around and fall to the ground. Why? Because his father needs old cat fur to stay alive. Yellow searches and searches until he trips upon a cat. He smiles and snatches it up. A few minutes later, he hauls the cat up to his father's room. His dad was already dead. THE END.
 Eh? How was that? What? Is that music I hear? 
 "It is time to hear the fun fun fact of the day!"
 Ah, yes! Here is the super ultra fact of this beautiful Sunday:
    Your Cat's front paws have 5 toes. Their back paw has 4 toes.
Boom! How 'bout that? Oh yeah! Fun gif of the day! Bye guys! Luv ya beauties!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hey! It is me Again!

Hello! It is currently like, 9:00 pm, and I am cuddled up with this laptop. With my awesome smelling candle. Anyway, I want to tell you how my night went. This will be a lot of writing, so be patient. 
So, I went over to "some" house and had a Super Bowl party. Well, BEFORE super bowl. So, we had ribs, and beans and potato salad and coleslaw. I only ate the beans and the ribs. Who can turn them down? For desert, we had artificial super bowl cupcakes. Always my favorite! (Sarcastic attitude is kicking in!) 
That was it. But before then, My guardian and I went out to a wally world and bought tons of stuff. Well, not TONS but, you get the picture. I bought some tight fitting clothes for yoga and other sports to do TOMORROW. 
 This color looks like poop. Not really. No offense beautiful awesome color! Earlier on today, I watched my bro play a game called "Papers Please." It is pretty depressing, but funny. So, it was about you working with the government. You make little money to take care of your family. You basically check the person's ID card and ticket and stuff. Sometimes, there is a terrorist that throws a bomb and kills soldiers. So when we were playing, there was this MAN who had said he was a female on his card. Basically, you have to search his or her body. And let me tell you, it was DISGUSTING! ;()
 Fun Fact of the day!
 Did you know that when men smoke, they lose 13.5 years of their life? And when women smoke, they lose 14.6 years of life! Amazing. Not really.
Now, it is time to show some funny gifs. I am OBSESSED with them.
This cracks me up! I think I will now on do GIFS of the day. This is today's gif. (Down Below)
Well, here is some advice for ya:
If you plan on going to the bathroom while your cat happens to be dumping in the litter box, DO NOT DO IT! It stinks unbelievably i  there. And then, they claw and meow at the door! *Huffs*
Well, goodbye readers! I will blog tomorrow when I can. Bye! Luv Ya! MWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

About Me

Hello people of the internet! I am starting a new blog, Fit Kitty, and I hope to death, that all you cat lovers read it! (Or any other people!)
This blog is for advice, entertainment, facts, and so much more fun stuff! I will be uploading every single day if it kills me! So, down below are some things you MAY want to know about me!

I LOVE the color RED. Isn't it gorgeous? 
My name is Alexandra Clarke, and I am a ANIMAL fanatic.
Gummy Bears are magical.
I have a few pets of my own. A dog and two kittens. They are adorable!!!!
I love to swim. In any water, you will find me paddling!
I love Dance Moms. It is sooo addicting. Just watch.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Anthony Padilla, and SMOSH. Go check out the channel! 
I also love Taylor Swift!
I adore drawing sweet animal comics, which rock:)
I HATE math. 
And......I love the word Lavender. It sounds awesome!
That is all you need to know about me. Feel free to ask questions if you need to. And please comment!