Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I got that summer time sadness.........

Do you guys know what I mean? It is FREAKING 90 degrees where I am! It is super duper hot. It feels like summertime. Well, I have to deal with it. My wardrobe contains of shirts,tank tops,and shorts.
Dance Moms is getting really intense. It's kinda funny how mad they get when they are discussing about their children. And, ya know, some F-bombs and S-bombs and the 'B' word.
I'd have to say my favorite mom is Christi. No, not Kristi, CHRISTI.
She is really funny, and she has one heck of a mouth on her. Chloe, I think is my favorite.
Anyway, I am really tired. I am sleepy, and I have a headache. From what you may ask? A few dark clouds hanging over us....and MATH!!! I need to go play some Animal Crossing.
It calms me down for some odd reason.
As you many of you know, The Walking Dead appeared last night after the long month waiting from the Mid Season finale. You wanna here something funny? I didn't see the mid season finale 'cause.......first my dad, then my brother, and then my OTHER brother told what happened. So, I didn't feel like watching because I already knew what happened. Not fun at all.
The only shows I watch are:
1. Community
2. Dance moms
3. SOMETIMES the Walking Dead.
I watch more Youtube videos then T.V
I was really radiant this morning, you wanna know why?
1. WatchUsLiveAndStuff updated!
2. I was in my big Leather Chair!!!
3. My cat, Trigger, snuggled in my lap and watched with me.
Yes! It was a very successful morning. My hair decided to play nice today.
I mean, I have naturally wavy or straight brownish blonde hair, and it likes to curl up a lot. Let's just say that I braid my hair every night. And during the day, it is a pony tail.
Well, I gotta run away and get sucked up by a Tornado. (My worst nightmare)
Bye! I will leave you a couple GIFs and a fact. Bye! Love ya!!!
  • The most powerful Tornadoes occur in the United States.
  • A typical tornado only lasts for a few minutes.

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